We've recently, and quitely, released an MVP of path editing in Flow. We know it's not complete, but wanted to get it out there to start evaluating how things feel. There are definitely improvements on the list, and changes that can be made. Have a look below to see what works, doesn't, and how you can let us know what to change.
First, let’s start with what we have queued up. Here’s our to-do list, in no particular order, of path editing functionalities we believe need to be added.
Now. Our goal with this release (1.8.6) was to put in place the bare minimum functionality for creating path animations within Flow itself. The major focus was on things you can do with the mouse and other basic capabilities.
Double-click on any shape to get into path editing mode.
Path points are shown as small circles along the contour of a shape.
If a point has control points, you’ll see those while in path editing mode.
Shows the start of the path, and its drawing direction.
The arrow denotes the direction the path takes around its shape.
A shape can be made up of more than one path. In this case, you’ll see a handle for each path in the shape.
You can select points, control points, edges, and handles.
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Click on a path point to select it.
Pressing Shift (⇧) will allow you to select multiple points by clicking…
Or, by area selecting…
Click on a control point to select it.
Pressing Shift (⇧) will allow you to select multiple control points by clicking…
Click on an edge, between points, to select it.
Pressing Shift (⇧) will allow you to select multiple edges by clicking…
Click on a path handle to select it…
Pressing Shift (⇧) will allow you to select multiple path handles by clicking…
You can move paths, control points, edges and handles.
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Dragging a selected point will move it.
You can drag multiple points to move them at the same time.
Dragging a selected point will change the curve to which it is associated.
You can also select and move multiple control points.
If an edge does not have curvature, dragging it will move the edge. Pressing Option (⌥) while dragging a curved edge will move it.
You can move multiple edges at the same time.
If an edge has curvature, dragging that edge will change its curve.
question: should we invert this behaviour? so that the defaul is to move the edge, and Option (⌥) + drag changes its curve?
Dragging a selected handle will move the entire shape.
You can drag multiple handles to move more than one subpath at a time.
Option (⌥)-dragging a handle will change the start point of the shape.
You can add and remove points and control points.
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You cannot remove a path handle
Press Option (⌥) while hovering over an edge will add a new point.
If an edge has curvature, the new point will have control points.
After selecting a point, pressing delete will remove it.
You can also delete multiple points.
If there are only 2 points in a path, deleting one of them will remove the entire layer from the hierarchy.
You create edges by adding points to a shape.
You can remove a selected edge by pressing delete.
If a shape is already closed, this opens the shape and changes the location of the path handle.
The path handle’s new position is based on the direction of the path.
If deleting an edge results in a path having 2 open edges, then a new subpath will be created.
While dragging, you can press ⌘ to turn on snapping.
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A point or a will snap to an unselected point.
Groups of points will snap based on the point being dragged.
A control point will also snap to an unselected point.
Groups of control points will snap based on the point being dragged.
You cannot snap to control points
You can snap an edge.
You can snap groups of edges as well.
If you turn on snapping while dragging a handle it will snap to other layers.
Double-clicking a path handle will change its direction
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Pressing Option (⌥) while double-clicking a path handle will open or close a path. This creates a gap between the first and last points of the path.
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The location of the opening is dependent on the direction of the path.
You can adjust the corner radius of a point by Option (⌥)-dragging it.
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You can also do this to groups of selected points
There are a few handy mouse actions that make it easy to add and remove control points.
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If a point has no control points, double-clicking the point adds new control points, and vice-versa.
If an edge has no control points, double-clicking the edge adds new control points, and vice-versa.
Double-clicking a control point deletes it.
Question: Should we default to creating mirrored points here.
Let us know what you’d like to see with this feature.
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