The ShapeView class is a simple subclass of iOS native UIView that has a CAShapeLayer as its default backing layer. All views that contain shapes are exported from Flow as ShapeView objects.
open class ShapeView: UIView
This class adds 4 variables to UIView
that are critical for a standardized way of working with animatable visual content. In particular, this class is designated for working with shapes. As a subclass of UIView
it guarantees that animatable views from Flow are compatible with all iOS projects.
Returns the main layer of the view as a CAShapeLayer
open var shapeLayer: CAShapeLayer {
return layer as! CAShapeLayer
A sublayer which can be used to apply a gradient fill to the current ShapeView
By default, CAShapeLayer
objects cannot have gradients as fills. This layer makes it possible to have shapes be filled with gradients. When creating a gradient-filled shape, this variable is populated and then masked by the view’s shapeLayer
open var gradientLayer: CAGradientLayer? {
set {
// Remove old gradient layer
if let gradientLayer = gradientLayer {
// Replace old gradient with new one
if let newGradientLayer = newValue {
get {
return layer.sublayers?.first(where: { $0 is CAGradientLayer }) as? CAGradientLayer
A convenience variable for accessing and setting the path of the shapeLayer
open var path: CGPath? {
get {
return shapeLayer.path
set {
shapeLayer.path = newValue
An override that returns a CAShapeLayer
as the default layer type for this view’s class.
override open class var layerClass: AnyClass {
return CAShapeLayer.self
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